"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Winston Churchill


My Mission

I help people and organisations transform. I am a visionary leader who sees the highest potential in people and organisations. I assist individuals and organisations awaken the highest vision of themselves, stepping into their power and wholeness. Though my coaching and teachings I offer compassion, wisdom and unconditional love to open hearts and minds to re-connect people to their inner power and innate wisdom. I encourage everyone to be a conscious creator of their reality, for the highest good of themselves and the planet.

It is my mission to inspire and empower as many people as possible to live in alignment with the highest vision of themselves and to fulfil that vision.

Together we can be the change we wish to see in ourselves (and the world!).


Life Coach, Beautiful Your Life Coaching Academy - 2017

200 hr Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), Byron Yoga Centre - 2016

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course, Openground - 2016

30 hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Alliance - 2015

doTERRA Wellness Advocate - since 2015

Post Graduate Degree, Fundraising & Volunteer Management, Humber College, Canada - 2007

Bachelor of Science. Life Sciences, McMaster University, Canada - 2005


About Me

Born and raised in Canada, I moved to Australia in 2011 to follow my Aussie sweetheart. Fast forward to 2022, I am an Aussie Citizen, been married to my Aussie sweetheart for over seven years and mumma to two beautiful girls (3 and 1). I have always been passionate about all things health and wellness and I am addicted to personal development - always growing and learning how to better myself and stay well. I grew up witnessing my father suffer from a mental illness, so staying healthy became very important to me from an early age. I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to take care of myself to prevent illness. Experiencing my own anxiety in my late 20’s and early 30’s made me realise that the path to lasting health and wellness requires a holistic approach, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. My own quest for wellness set me on a journey of self-discovery and ultimately lead me to be the coach and teacher that I am today.

I embody what I teach. I practice everything I teach which gives my coaching and teachings potency. I am the living, breathing example of what is possible if you put your mind to something. I offer a holistic and heart-centered approach to coaching. I don’t just coach you to take actions towards achieving your goals, I make sure that you feel heard and supported as you go through your transformational journey. I offer you tools and tricks to break through any emotional blocks or thinking patterns that no longer serve you. I help you reconnect to yourself and awaken your inner power and strength. I help you feel determined and excited about moving forward, instead feeling fearful or stuck in procrastination mode. I help you let go of any stress or anxiety that may be interfering with following your heart and listening to your intuition.

If you want to take charge of your life and happiness and are ready to make changes, but perhaps you are unsure where to begin, then you are in the right place. Or, maybe you are someone that struggles to make time for yourself, putting your needs and wants last before others (family, friends, clients, colleagues). I am here to remind you, you deserve to give yourself the time and energy to prioritise making big or small changes in your life. If you’re exhausted and burnt out, I am here to encourage you to rest and nourish yourself first. If you’re lacking motivation or confidence to take action, I am here to be your cheerleader and tell you that you are worth it, you can do it, and you deserve to be happy.

I became a coach to help people like you who want to be the best version of themselves, to find work/life balance, and to live a life driven by passion and purpose. If you don't know what your passions and purpose are, I am here to show you that deep down, you already have all of the answers.

From a young age I have always been somewhat of a ‘coach’. My first role as a 'coach' was being a big sister to two younger brothers. Growing up I was always encouraging and supportive of family and friends to be their best, taking great pride in helping people find happiness and celebrating their success. In school I was a cheerleader, volunteer and peer mentor to younger students - always helping and encouraging people to be their best, which gave me great joy. It was after graduating University that I discovered the possibility of becoming a Life Coach, but it would be 15+ years and many life lessons learned before I would be ready to be the coach I am today.

My personal 'awakening' started back in the early 2000's. Breaking up with my first love, witnessing my parents' divorce and then coming to realise I didn't actually want to be a medical doctor (because I didn't believe in the philosophy of the medical system as the 'be all, end all' solution for health) were all humbling and heart-opening experiences that left me questioning everything. I yearned to be connected to my soul and started searching for my true passions which sparked a journey of self discovery and soul searching for answers. I varied my coursework at University to include courses like 'Health, Healing and Religion' and philosophy and started reading personal self-help books like 'Finding Your Own North Star' by Martha Beck. I became interested in holistic approaches to health and wellness and made it my mission to learn more about the relationship between mind, body and spirit through my studies and personal development.

When I graduated University I travelled and lived and worked abroad to gain a fresh perspective on life. It gave me the space and distance i needed to be in my own presence, and to figure out what was next. After completing a charity marathon with Team Diabetes Canada I discovered a passion to fundraise for various causes and sought further studies in order to make a career out of working in the Not-for-profit sector.

In 2007, I started what I thought was my 'ideal' career as a professional fundraiser working for an international humanitarian organisation helping people in crises all around the globe. Just as I commenced this new work my soul started to lead me down another path through another 'awakening' experience. This time my health took a toll after caring for a sick family member. Stress, worry and anxiety were a constant. I didn't prioritise caring for myself and my own wellbeing. I had no boundaries and completely lost myself in trying to 'fix' them. I lost my positive, vibrant self. I felt completely stuck, sad, and constantly in 'flight or fight mode'. I was burnt-out and emotionally depleted. Despite this, I kept pushing and striving (training for marathons and working full-time), but by mid 2008 my body started to demand something change. I was experiencing anxiety from constantly worrying. I had adrenal fatigue from not resting enough and I developed stress-related gut issues. My ill health forced me to stop putting others before myself and initiated me into a journey of healing and learning how to prioritise my own self-care and wellbeing before helping others. It taught me the importance of balance and boundaries. I sought counselling, started doing yoga and turned to self-help books on spirituality to better understand the relationship between body, mind and spirit. I was guided to start meditating, but I struggled to sit still. I was a 'do'er', a Type A personality. I liked achieving things and feeling in control. The thought of surrendering to my thoughts scared the crap out of me.

Fast forward to 2014, after years of avoiding meditation I had reached a point where I could no longer ignore my soul's calling and guidance (you know that constant niggling thought you have that you're scared to have faith in making the leap or change?). I knew I needed to change. I didn't want to go on living with anxiety, I wanted my health back. I knew that overcoming my anxiety meant that I'd have to face the emotions that I had burried in the depths of my soul, but I just *knew* meditation was the tool I needed to help me feel what I needed to feel to heal. So I made a commitment to myself to start meditating and start embodying what I had learned in my exploration of the connection between mind-body-spirit. I sought support from my GP, a naturopath, and started practicing Yin Yoga and meditated every day. Within a month I had healed so much. My anxiety was nearly gone - I felt amazing and re-connected to my soul. I started worrying less about what people thought (former people pleaser here!), and made a conscious effort to take care of myself first before others. I started following more of my inner guidance and felt empowered that I was making positive changes for myself and seeing the results. I continued reading self-help books on how to let-go of perfectionism and how to let go of my need to seek approval from others. Within a few months I had regained my health and well-being, all because I followed my soul's calling, that little 'niggle' that told me to meditate. If only I had followed that guidance all those years prior! I could have saved myself from so much suffering. But prior to 2014 I wasn't ready. I was too afraid I'd look 'weak' for needing help. Now I think about this and laugh at the irony because I know the act of surrendering and asking for help took me so much courage and strength to have faith and trust in my inner guidance. I now know it was just my fear-based ego getting in the way all those years prior!

Since 2014, I have followed my soul's callings, one cookie crumb at a time. I've re-discovered my passions and met some amazing soul family along the way. That's the beautiful thing about when you lead your life with your soul - your vibe attracts your 'tribe'. Life becomes easier because you're not 'trying' so hard, and you become in sync and in flow with life. You become a magnet for what your soul desires when you allow the magic of the unknown instead of clinging to control outcomes. It takes faith and practice to continue to live in sync with your soul. Through conscious thought and intention we have the power to change our thoughts, emotions and physical reality. After all, we are made up of molecules that vibrate energy. Science is now catching up with what the ancients have known for centuries - that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It's up to us to make the most of our time on Earth to evolve our soul and to care for our vehicle (our body) during this life.

Through conscious thought and actions, you too have the ability to manifest health, happiness and the life of your dreams. As your coach, I share tools that help you get in touch with your heart, your gut feelings/hunches. I encourage you to trust your inner guidance, even when it doesn’t make logical sense. I empower you to be your own guide, to follow your heart, and to create the life you dream of.

I am especially the coach for you if:

1. You are a Perfectionist.

Having been a perfectionist and knowing how to let go of 'being perfect' (whatever that is!) and now embracing my imperfections and loving myself as I am, I am here to hold the space for you to do the same. I’ve learned that accepting yourself as you are, your whole self, not just the ‘good’ parts, is critical for healing and loving yourself completely. I teach you how to have more self compassion and give yourself permission to just be the real you. After all, you are perfect just as you are.

2. You struggle to relax and avoid feeling your feelings.

Through yoga I also learned how to let go of built up stress and tension in my body. Listening to my body has been one of my biggest teachers. Our bodies are constantly communicating to us about our feelings and emotions through physical symptoms. Through yoga, meditation and working with therapeutic grade essential oils, I have developed tools to courageously feel and process ‘stuck’ emotions. As your coach, I offer you a safe space to acknowledge any unresolved thoughts and emotions that are preventing you from taking actions towards living your dreams. As a sensitive and intuitive person, I can often perceive where you may have blocks or barriers preventing you from moving forward, but as your coach I empower you to be the one to identify, acknowledge and breakthrough anything holding you back. After all, you know you best - and I am here to guide you back to your innate inner wisdom.

3. You are a people pleaser and need to prioritise yourself more.

As a former ‘people pleaser’, I used to subconsciously seek other's approval. This depleted me. I relied on others to feel good about myself. As I became conscious of my behaviour I was able to see how this was not serving me. I decided the only person I need to please is myself. This meant learning to say no more often, and also setting healthy boundaries in relationships in order to 'fill my cup' first. It also meant saying ‘yes’ to the things that light me up and committing to my own happiness. As your coach, I am here to support you to know your worth and let go of any tendencies to people please in order to prioritise your life and your happiness.

So gorgeous, if you’re ready to be the best version of yourself, want to feel empowered, more confident and more connected to yourself than you’ve ever been, here's what you need to do:

1. Set up your complimentary 30 minute coaching consult with me and fill out my pre-coaching questionnaire by clicking here; then

2. During our initial consult we will review your answers to the pre-coaching questionnaire and discuss if I am the right coach for you!

I invite you to dream big, listen to your heart and awaken to your soul's full potential.

Much Love,

Heather xx